Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The instroduction of The CAFO Reader

In this blog I'm going to talk something about   The CAFO Reader

The CAFO Reader  about  the tragedy of industrial animal factories, is edited by Daniel Imhoff.  "CAFOs" means concentrated animal feeding operations. Imhoff writes "factory farming". Businesspeople domesticate animals in a industrialized farm, or  exactally, it is a factory rather than a farm(Imhoff  xiv).  Inside CAFO, a huge quantitative animals are domesticated under unnatural conditions  and slaughtered cruelly in the factory farming. The environmental  pollutions are caused by great amounts of manure produced by the factory farming. Besides, the abuse of antibiostics in animal food production is likely to  lead to ineffective results of human medicine. The government policies of U.S., encouraging the development of CAFO and restricting our comments about it , damages our basic constitutional freedom.  What's worse, the factory farming persues the high quantities of output blindly, which results cyclical flooding of animal food and throws a great thread to ecosystems.  Undoubtedly, our food system really needs improving.lagccfood2012.blogspot.com